Welcome to Sustainable Martin!

We are excited about the opportunity to be a resource for information about Martin County using a “sustainability” framework.  

But what exactly is sustainability?  Such a commonly used word means different things to different people. 

We think about sustainability and sustainable communities in relationship to four interconnected and interdependent systems – the natural environment, the manmade environment, the economy and the social aspects of a community.

These fours systems are like the legs of a table…

For a visual example, think of a sustainable community as a table with each of the four legs representing a different part of the community. If one of the legs is
uneven or weak, you will have an unstable table.

So it is with a community. If the natural environment is flourishing but the economy is not, then the community is not healthy. If our roadways are well maintained but our river is polluted, how does that impact our quality of life? And if children attend A-rated schools but arrive there hungry every day, how can a community claim to be doing well?

Explore our site to learn more about who we are and how we are educating residents to create a healthy, sustainable Martin County.